Bible Research > Synoptic Studies > Gospel Parallels

Drill Size Conversion Table This table is the chart for converting and identifying various drill bit sizes. Because of differences in numbering systems, some conversions are approximated but are within.0001 inch. MKVToolnix is a freeware utility that allows you to create, alter, inspect, and more video files with the MKV format. Also available for 32-Bit. You can use MKVToolNix to create, split, edit, mux, demux, merge, extract, or inspect Matroska files. MKVToolnix program will also work with other video.

Gospel Parallels

The tables of parallels here are based upon the Synopsis Quattuor Evangeliorum of Kurt Aland, 13th edition (Stuttgart: Deutsche Bibelgesellschaft, 1985). In the arrangement of Aland's Synopsis the numbered pericopes are often repeated so as to give a continuous series of references in canonical order for each of the four gospels. The bold type in the tables below indicates the verses in order for each gospel. Thus for example, pericopes no. 121 and 135 are identical except for the difference in bold type. In 121 the bold type for Matthew and Mark shows that the pericope 'Jesus' True Kindred' precedes the parable of the sower. The pericope is then repeated as 135 with bold type for Luke, because Luke has the pericope after the parable of the sower. The student who is using these tables can thus run his eye down each Gospel's column, stopping only at the bold references, to get all the references and parallels in order for each Gospel.

Note to online users: The tables are supplied with hypertext links in the first column. Click on the links to view the parallel passages together (in the American Standard Version) at the Bible Gateway website. Once there, you may choose to view the same passages together in any of the versions on the Bible Gateway server. Then use the 'back' button on your browser to return to this page.

§ 1. Preface


§ 2. Birth and Childhood

2The Promise of the Birth of John the Baptist1.5-25
3The Annunciation1.26-38
4Mary's Visit to Elizabeth1.39-56
5The Birth of John the Baptist1.57-80
6The Genealogy of Jesus1.2-173.23-38
7The Birth of Jesus1.18-252.1-7
8The Adoration of the Infant Jesus2.1-122.8-20
9The Circumcision and Presentation in the Temple2.21-38
10The Flight into Egypt and Return2.13-21
11The Childhood of Jesus at Nazareth2.22-232.39-40
12The Boy Jesus in the Temple2.41-52

Mkvtools 3 7 16 Inch

§ 3. Preparation

13John the Baptist3.1-61.2-63.1-61.19-23
14John's Preaching of Repentance3.7-103.7-9
15John Replies to Questioners3.10-14
16John's Messianic Preaching3.11-121.7-83.15-181.24-28
17The Imprisonment of John14.3-46.17-183.19-20
18The Baptism of Jesus3.13-171.9-113.21-221.29-34
19The Genealogy of Jesus1.1-173.23-38
20The Temptation4.1-111.12-134.1-13

§ 4. The Beginning of Jesus' Public Ministry (According to John)

21The Call of the First Disciples1.35-51
22The Marriage at Cana2.1-11
23The Sojourn at Capernaum2.12
24The First Journey to Jerusalem2.13
25The Cleansing of the Temple21.12-1311.15-1719.45-462.14-22
26Jesus' Ministry in Jerusalem2.23-25
27The Discourse with Nicodemus3.1-21
28Jesus' Ministry in Judea3.22
29John's Testimony to Christ3.23-36

§ 5. Jesus' Ministry in Galilee

30The Journey into Galilee4.121.14a4.14a4.1-3
31The Discourse with the Woman of Samaria4.4-42
32Ministry in Galilee4.13-171.14b-154.14b-154.43-46a
33Jesus' Preaching at Nazareth13.53-586.1-6a4.16-30
34The Call of the Disciples4.18-221.16-20
35Teaching in the Synagogue at Capernaum1.21-224.31-32
36The Healing of the Demoniac in the Synagogue1.23-284.33-37
37The Healing of Peter's Mother-in-law8.14-151.29-314.38-39
38The Sick Healed at Evening8.16-171.32-344.40-41
39Jesus Departs from Capernaurn1.35-384.42-43
40First Preaching Tour in Galilee4.231.394.44
41The Miraculous Draught of Fish5.1-11
42The Cleansing of the Leper8.1-41.40-455.12-16
43The Healing of the Paralytic9.1-82.1-125.17-265.8-9a
44The Call of Levi (Matthew)9.9-132.13-175.27-32
45The Question about Fasting9.14-172.18-225.33-39
46Plucking Grain on the Sabbath12.1-82.23-286.1-5
47The Man with the Withered Hand12.9-143.1-66.6-11
48Jesus Heals Multitudes by the Sea4.24-25
49The Choosing of the Twelve10.1-43.13-196.12-16

Mkvtools 3 7 16 Mm

§ 6. The Sermon on the Mount (According to Matthew)

50Occasion of the Sermon4.24-5.23.7-13 a6.17-20a
51The Beatitudes5.3-126.20b-23
52The Salt of the Earth5.139.49-5014.34-35
53The Light of the World5.14-164.218.16
54On the Law and the Prophets5.17-2016.16-17
55On Murder and Wrath5.21-2612.57-59
56On Adultery and Divorce5.27-329.43-4816.18
57On Oaths5.33-37
58On Retaliation5.38-426.29-30
59On Love of One's Enemies5.43-486.27-28
60On Almsgiving6.1-4
61On Prayer6.5-6
62The Lord's Prayer6.7-1511.2511.1-4
63On Fasting6.16-18
64On Treasures6.19-2112.33-34
65The Sound Eye6.22-2311.34-36
66On Serving Two Masters6.2416.13
67On Anxiety6.25-3412.22-32
68On Judging7.1-54.24-256.37-42
69On Profaning the Holy7.6
70God's Answering of Prayer7.7-1111.9-13
71The Golden Rule7.126.31
72The Two Ways7.13-1413.23-24
73'By their Fruits'7.15-20
74'Saying Lord, Lord'7.21-236.46
75The House Built upon the Rock7.24-276.47-49
76The Effect of the Sermon7.28-291.21-22

§ 7. The Sermon on the Plain (According to Luke)

Mkvtools 3 7 16 Esv

77Occasion of the Sermon4.24-5.23.7-13a6.17-20a
78The Beatitudes5.3-126.20b-23
79The Woes6.24-26
80On Love of One's Enemies5.38-486.27-36
81On Judging7.1-54.24-256.37-42
82'By their Fruits'7.15-20
83The House Built upon the Rock7.21-276.46-49

§ 8. Jesus' Ministry in Galilee Continued

84Cleansing of the Leper8.1-41.40-455.12-16
85The Centurion of Capernaum8.5-137.307.1-10
86The Widow's Son at Nain7.11-17
87The Healing of Peter's Mother-in-law8.14-151.29-314.38-39
88The Sick Healed at Evening8.16-171.32-344.40-41
89On Following Jesus8.18-229.57-62
90Stilling the Storm8.23-274.35-418.22-25
91The Gadarene Demoniacs8.28-345.1-208.26-39
92The Healing of the Paralytic9.1-82.1-125.17-265.8-9a
93The Call of Levi (Matthew)9.9-132.13-175.27-32
94The Question about Fasting9.14-172.18-225.33-39
95Jairus' Daughter and the Woman with a Hemorrhage9.18-265.21-438.40-56
96Two Blind Men9.27-31
97The Dumb Demoniac9.32-34
98The Harvest is Great9.35-386.6b
99Commissioning the Twelve10.1-166.7
100The Fate of the Disciples10.17-25
101Exhortation to Fearless Confession10.26-3312.2-9
102Divisions within Households10.34-3612.51-53
103Conditions of Discipleship10.37-3914.25-27
104Rewards of Discipleship10.40-429.4110.1613.20
105Continuation of Journey11.1
106John the Baptist's Question and Jesus' Answer11.2-67.18-23
107Jesus' Witness concerning John11.7-197.24-35
108Woes Pronounced on Galilean Cities11.20-2410.12-15
109Jesus' Thanksgiving to the Father11.25-2710.21-22
110'Come unto Me'11.28-30
111Plucking Grain on the Sabbath12.1-82.23-286.1-5
112Healing the Withered Hand12.9-143.1-66.6-11
113Jesus Heals Multitudes by the Sea12.15-213.7-126.17-19
114The Woman with the Ointment26.6-1314.3-97.36-5012.1-8
115The Ministering Women8.1-3
116Jesus is Thought to be Beside Himself3.20-21
117On Collusion with Satan12.22-30
118The Sin against the Holy Spirit12.31-37
119The Sign of Jonah12.38-42
120The Return of the Evil Spirit12.43-4511.24-26
121Jesus' True Kindred12.46-503.31-358.19-2115.14
122The Parable of the Sower13.1-94.1-98.4-8
123The Reason for Speaking in Parables13.10-174.10-12
124Interpretation of the Parable of the Sower13.18-234.13-208.11-15
125'He who has Ears to Hear, Let him Hear'5.15
126The Parable of the Seed Growing Secretly4.26-29
127The Parable of the Tares13.24-30
128The Parable of the Mustard Seed13.31-324.30-3213.18-19
129The Parable of the Leaven13.3313.20-21
130Jesus' Use of Parables13.34-354.33-34
131Interpretation of the Parable of the Tares13.36-43
132The Parables of the Hidden Treasure and of the Pearl13.44-46
133The Parable of the Net13.47-50
134Treasures New and Old13.51-52
135Jesus' True Kindred12.46-503.31-358.19-2115.14
136Stilling the Storm8.23-274.35-418.22-25
137The Gerasene Demoniac8.28-345.1-208.26-39
138Jairus' Daughter and the Woman with a Hemorrhage9.18-265.21-438.40-56
139Jesus is Rejected at Nazareth13.53-586.1-6a4.16-30
140Second Journey (to Jerusalem)5.1
141The Healing at the Pool5.2-47
142Commissioning the Twelve9.35
143Opinions regarding Jesus14.1-26.14-169.7-9
144The Death of John the Baptist14.3-126.17-293.19-20
145The Return of the Apostles6.30-319.10a
146Five Thousand are Fed14.13-216.32-449. 10b-176.1-15
147The Walking on the Water14.22-336.45-526.16-21
148Healings at Gennesaret14.34-366.53-566.22-25
149The Bread of Life6.26-59
150Defilement - Traditional and Real15.1-207.1-2311.37-41
151The Syrophoenician (Canaanite) Woman15.21-287.24-30
152Jesus Heals a Deaf Mute and Many Others15.29-317.31-37
153Four Thousand are Fed15.32-398.1-10
154The Pharisees Seek a Sign16.1-4
155The Leaven of the Pharisees16.5-128.14-2112.1
156A Blind Man is Healed at Bethsaida8.22-26


Bible Research > Synoptic Studies > Gospel Parallels

If you have found yourself here looking for MKVtools to convert videos to either MP4 or AVI videos, then you should download either M4tools or AVItools, not MKVtools. If you are a user of the original version of MKVtools and are looking for updates, see here.


MKVtools is technically trialware, though in reality, the unregistered version has nearly complete functionality with two minor exceptions:

  1. A “nag” window will appear every time you load a new file.
  2. You may only open 1 file at a time, so you can't take advantage of the queue and batch capabilities of MKVtools.

The above limitations will disappear if you register the software ($5.99 - the price of a Big Mac dinner around here). Hopefully you will consider the usefulness of this software to be worth the price of a meal at McDonald's :-).

Note, that the output of the registered and unregistered versions of MKVtools will be identical, so you can thoroughly test MKVtools before you decide to support it’s development. Bugs still exist which may or may not get fixed and there are known issues and probably some unknown issues :-). You should probably consider this software as being sold 'as is', so test thoroughly to see if you think you’re getting your moneys worth before registering.

When registering, you have the option of registering for just MKVtools, or you can choose to register for the VIDEOtoolbox suite of applications for less than the cost of registering two applications. This will get you a registration code that unlocks all of the suite apps. If you decide to register, download the software using the link below, and then follow these registration instructions.

Current Version

MKVtools is Intel-only (64-bit) and requires Mac OS X 10.9.x or later. It has been tested on a MacBook Pro and a Mac Pro with no known issues. If you are updating from a pre-3.5.x version, the preferences have been updated and as a result you will need to re-enter your presets, registration code and other preferences. Remember you can find your registration code in the preference panel of the current version. Sorry for the inconvenience.

Beta Software

If MKVtools doesn't quite do what you want it to, you can see if there is a beta version of the software found here. Please help bring the beta software into general release by sending feedback to:

Version History

3.7.2 - 10/13/19

  • Updated binaries to 64-bit and added code to make the app macOS Catalina friendly

Version History

3.7.1 - 5/22/18

  • Updated the ffpmeg related binaries to 3.4.2
  • Fixed a bug that prevented the app from playing some movies with subtitles
  • Fixed a bug that made the app appear to freeze on the 2nd pass of 2-pass encoding

3.7.0 - 4/9/18

  • Fixed a number of bugs introduced with High Sierra
  • Code was updated to Swift 3

3.6.6 - 10/1/17

  • Updated the ffmpeg binary to the latest version.
  • The default audio option is set to pass thru if none is selected

3.6.5 - 5/22/17

  • Updated/Improved the transfer of subtitles to SUBtools
  • Fixed a bug that could cause an error when trying to mux in a subtitle file
  • In the Settings Presets, the 'Add 2-Ch. Track' now correctly uses the 'If Stereo' bitrate
  • Fixed a bug where log files were created for some processes regardless of preference settings

3.6.4 - 11/21/16

  • Fixed a bug that prevented files from opening for some users.

3.6.3 - 10/22/16

  • Fixed a bug that could cause a crash when a large number of files were edited
  • Some minor GUI changes with the Edit Files tab functionality
  • Added a Debug Mode option in preferences to turn on logging to the console app

3.6.2 - 9/7/16

  • Fixed a bug that prevented conversions when 'Keep Log Files' was unchecked in preferences

3.6.1 - 9/6/16

  • Update ffmpeg to version 3
  • Numerous minor bug fixes
  • Added more logging for the file opening process to help track down a bug effecting the opening of files for some users

3.6.0 - 7/11/16

  • Updated to Swift 2
    • Keep an eye out for minor random bugs
  • Added a 'Send Bug Report' option in the help menu
  • Turned off compiler optimizations that would cause random crashing
  • Added a pseudo store window to streamline the registration process
  • Can now double click in the jobs queue to go to the output file
  • Made various bug fixes with the 'Q' popup
  • Fixed various bugs with adding multiple files to the jobs queue

3.5.3 - 12/6/15

  • Deleted a stray button matrix in the subtitle filter popup.
  • Fixed a bug that could change the username when updating on systems with macports installed.
  • Restored creation of default track titles.

3.5.2 - 11/14/15

  • Fixed some issues with registration status and usernames.
  • Fixed bugs that would cause crashes when some text fields were empty.
  • Fixed bug that could cause subtitles imported from SUBtools to be ignored when processed.
  • Fixed a bug that could cause crashing with some EyeTV files.

3.5.1 - 10/24/15

  • Fixed a bug that caused crashing on start up for some users.

3.5.0 - 10/19/15

  • System requirements are now 10.9.x or higher.
  • The preferences has changed so you will need to re-enter your registration code and other preferences.
  • Most of the code updated to Swift
  • Preference panel reorganized
  • Fixed and improved handling of files with problem tracks
  • Can now open eye tv packages
  • Developer ID signing added to make gatekeeper happy

3.4.5 - 11/2/14

  • Fixed an initial set of Yosemite related bugs
  • changed to ARC
  • Fixed a variety of bugs in the presets panel
  • Fixed bug that mislabeled filenames in the queue drawer
  • Fixed a bug that could cause crashes when editing jobs from the queue
  • Fixed bug where log files of identical processes get appended instead of rewritten

3.4.4 - 6/23/14

  • Fixed a bug that prevented graphical subtitles from being extracted

3.4.3 - 5/30/14

  • Really fixed 2-pass encoding this time
  • Fixed a bug that could freeze processes as 'Queued' on systems earlier than 10.9.x

3.4.2 - 4/24/14

  • Fixed bug that could cause some 2-pass conversions to fail
  • Fixed a bug that could cause the app to crash during track extractions
  • Fixed a bug that could prevent conversions from working properly after track extraction jobs

3.4.1 - 3/2/14

  • Fixed a bug that could make the convert button be ignored after a group of files had been added to the job queue
  • Fixed a bug that disabled the 'Play' button
  • Fixed a Watch Mode bug that would prevent some files from being added to the queue

3.4 - 2/22/14

  • Can now send subtitles to SUBtools (must be v1.0.b6 or higher) and back for quick editing and formatting fixes
  • Added a 'Q' button to allow the user to view and manipulate individual files when a group of files are opened
  • Users can now specify in preferences whether or not to use Dolby Pro Logic II when surround sound is down mixed to 2-channels
  • Fixed a bug that made the app appear to lock up while the fontconfig cache was being initialized
  • Improved handling of .ts files
  • Multiple bug fixes to track identification which should reduce issues when opening files
  • Fixed a bug that sometimes caused audio bitrates to being ignored.
  • Fixed bug that prevented the 'add 2-ch. track' from being applied
  • Add the option to 'keep' originals in presets
  • Fixed bug that ignored times for splitting
  • Threading related bug fixes that could cause freezes.
  • Numerous Mavericks bug fixes

3.3.2 - 10/17/13

  • Fixed a library bug that may happen for OS X 10.6 users.
  • Fixed a bug that may cause the app to freeze for OS X 10.8 users.
  • Fixed a bug in the registration window that would prevent the user name from displaying properly

3.3.1 - 8/9/13

  • Fixed a bug preventing the preferences panel from opening in OS X 10.6

3.3.0 - 7/28/13

  • The bulk of the processing code has been updated to match the improvements in MP4tools
  • A number of improvements to burning subtitles (e.g., internal pgs should now be supported)
  • Code for identifying tracks has been updated to reduce some 'MP4tools could not identify ...' messages.
  • Added code to produce error log files for occurrences of 'MP4tools could not identify ...' messages.
  • Improved handling of M2TS/MTS/TS videos
  • The Edit Tracks Tab has been removed. Most of it's functionality was redundant (Extract Tracks is now in the MP4 tab).
  • Fixed a bug that could cause 2-pass encoding to fail
  • Various bug fixes

3.2.4 - 1/28/13

  • Fixed a bug that prevented the 'Split' button from being enabled in Snow Leopard
  • Fixed some permission issues that could effect users on computers with multiple accounts

3.2.3 - 1/14/13

  • Fixed a bug that sometimes occurred when multiple audio tracks were selected
  • Fixed a bug that could cause MKVtools to crash during the muxing step

3.2.1 - 12/30/12

  • Fixed bug that would potentially freeze the application
  • Improved and expanded watch mode
    • sub-folders are now 'watched'
    • watched files are no longer moved to a processing folder
  • Numerous fixes to the setting presets
  • Presets options now includes 'None' for the video track
  • Expanded filtering capabilities for the selections presets

3.2 - 12/8/12

  • Code has been completely rewritten from applescript to Obj-C so the chance of lingering bugs is high :-).
  • Improved general responsiveness of application
  • Fixed bug causing the app to crash when multiple files were queued.
  • Numerous fixes and improvements to joining.
  • Joining (2 files max) can now be tested in the non-registered version. Open a file and then use the Add File button to add a file to join.
  • Added checks for volume permissions and disk space
  • Resolved registration issue with systems where macports had overwritten 'user 501'
  • Windows can be re-sized.

3.0 - 1/27/12 (changes from MKVtools 2.4.7)

  • Initial release of the re-branded version of MKVtools which incorporates all MKV related features of the original version and ...
  • Added the ability to create MKV videos from multiple video formats
  • Added the ability to join MKV videos
  • The Quick Tab has been removed to be replaced by ...
  • Added user definable 'presets' to automate which tracks are selected
  • Added user definable 'presets' to automate conversion settings, including the option for letting MKVtools 'guess' at the best settings
  • MKVtools can now be put in a watch mode, where it will monitor a 'watch folder' and process any videos added to the folder using the presets
  • This application will NO LONGER create MP4 or AVI videos, use MP4tools or AVItools for that functionality
  • New registration system tied to the name of the original user account (admin or standard user) which will allow MKVtools to be registered on multiple and upgraded computers (as long as the computers share original account names).
  • Improved handling of SSA/ASS subtitles.
  • Added the capability to mux multiple audio and sub tracks
  • added toggle all video/audio/sub buttons
  • can now input mpeg 2 video tracks
  • dragging and dropping single audio tracks will add it to the current video
  • Various bug fixes.