So, now that I have bored you enough with overview, libraries, analysis options, and inspection, finally I'm getting to the point of it all: Building better Playlists.

At the core of playlist creation stands a concept. Something that is supposed to make the list tick. Something that ties it all together. This can be something as common as 'Best Rock of the 80ies', 'Love Songs of 68', as personal as 'Songs you made out to as Teenager' or as specialized as 'Songs influenced by Nirvana's Nevermind'. Or, if you're into working out 'Driving Beats for Aerobics', 'Steady Steps for Marathon Trance', and 'Up and Down on two Wheels'. You get the idea.

The point here is, every one of these concepts follows different rules and therefore requires different data.

I could give you many more tips on your digital music collection, but I will leave you with this important note. If you truly value your music collection, and all other documents and files stored on your computer, please invest in an external hard drive to back up these files. External hard drives are better and cheaper now, than they ever have. View our database of free collection letter samples (dunning notices) and sample debt collection letters that you can use; just cut, paste, and fill in your information and send. These collection letter samples can help collect your outstanding balances without having to use a collection agency. Collection Letter Samples Collection Letter Samples. Please be sure that all of your customer’s. This Music Collection software catalogs your music collection automatically. It downloads artist, title, year, genre, song titles and cover images. Free trial edition. For Windows, macOS, iOS, Android and web. First divided by Music and Non-Music. Most things are in the Music section until someone says something like 'that's not real music', then I move it over to the Non-Music section. Within those sections, it's sorted by country. By that, I mean the market country of course. Then after after country, comes western. Pymca 5.5.5 For the developer, the PyMca Toolkit is a collection of Python tools for visualization and analysis of energy-dispersive X-ray fluorescence data.

Regarding data we're in luck. Analysis and Inspection should have whipped your collection in shape. But how do you find the right songs? How do you make beaTunes understand the rules?

Song Matching

Naturally, you can simply browse your library or use the filter field to search, build your lists completely manually. Another approach is called query by example. The idea is, that you choose a song and ask beaTunes to find a similar one. The $100.000 question is: What exactly is similar?

beaTunes sidesteps this question by letting you define what's important to you. This happens in the Song Matching preferences. There you can set up sets of rules that emphasize certain aspects of similarity, like tempo, mood, or color.

Creating Matchlists

Once you have created a ruleset appropriate for the playlist you want to create, select a song that the other songs are supposed to be similar to. This song is called a seed song. Then choose New Matchlist from the File menu (or use the corresponding toolbar button). beaTunes will then display the dialog shown below. Once you click OK, it will automatically create a new playlist according to the configured rules.

Building Playlists Iteratively

Matchlist are a great tool for building playlists with the click of a button. But they also take all the fun out of the creative process. beaTunes supports another way to create playlists, one that works song-by-song.

To get started, again select a song that you want to use as the first song of your list—your opener. Then click on New Playlist from Selection in the File menu. beaTunes will create a new playlist and you might want to change the default name to something better. Then select that very first, lonely song, open the View menu, and make sure that Show Matching Songs is turned on. Below the main playlist table, a panel with matching songs should appear.

To build your playlist, check out the matching songs. Once you've found a good candidate for song #2, simply drag it into the main playlist table above. You will find that beaTunes automatically selects the newly added song, triggering the match process again. So now, beaTunes shows you potential candidates for song #3. And so on... The process is also nicely demonstrated in this video. If you're unhappy with the current match ruleset, you can select another or modify the current one in the preferences. And for those people interested in harmonic mixing, I'd like to point out the key filters. They let you hide songs that are not in a defined harmonic relationship to the selected song.


I hope this articles helped you getting the most out of beaTunes when creating playlists. If you have further questions, please comment below or start a discussion in the support forum.

This article is part of a small series under the heading 'HowDoesItAllWork'.

  • Part 1 explains the overarching idea behind beaTunes.
  • Part 2 explains what kind of libraries beaTunes supports.
  • Part 3 takes a closer look at analysis and analysis options.
  • Part 4 takes you step-by-step through the inspection process.

Labels: Building Playlists, HowDoesItAllWork, Matchlist

Beatunes 5 1 5 – Organize Your Music Collection Agency -

Get your music collection in order

With Organize Your Music you can easily organize your saved music. Just follow these steps:

Beatunes 5 1 5 – Organize Your Music Collection Agency Must

  1. Select what music you'd like to organize: Your Saved Music; Music you've added to playlists; Music in playlists you follow; or all of it.
  2. Click on Organize your Music. If this is your first visit, you will be asked to ...
  3. Login with your Spotify credentials. Organize Your Music will place all of your tracks into a number of bins. There are Genres, Moods, Decades, Popularity and more.
  4. Pick one of the bins. You can view all the properties of the tracks in that bin. You can plot the tracks. You can listen to previews of the songs in the bin.
  5. Select tracks that you want to add to a playlist. Selected tracks will be added to your Staging Playlist. When you are happy with the staging playlist you can
  6. Save the staging playlist to Spotify.

Don't worry. Organize Your Music will never modify any of the songs in your saved music or playlists. It will only save new playlists for you, and only when you explictly click on the save button.

The Track Properties

Must Organize Your Music can help you slice and dice your music collection by a wide range of properties:
  1. Genre - the genre of the track
  2. Year - the release year of the recording. Note that due to vagaries of releases, re-releases, re-issues and general madness, sometimes the release years are not what you'd expect.
  3. Added - the earliest date you added the track to your collection.
  4. Beats Per Minute (BPM) - The tempo of the song.
  5. Energy - The energy of a song - the higher the value, the more energtic. song
  6. Danceability - The higher the value, the easier it is to dance to this song.
  7. Loudness (dB) - The higher the value, the louder the song.
  8. Liveness - The higher the value, the more likely the song is a live recording.
  9. Valence - The higher the value, the more positive mood for the song.
  10. Length - The duration of the song.
  11. Acousticness - The higher the value the more acoustic the song is.
  12. Speechiness - The higher the value the more spoken word the song contains.
  13. Popularity - The higher the value the more popular the song is.
  14. Duration - The length of the song.

See it in Action

Here's a demo of how I use Organize Your Music to make a playlist of my most energtic gothic metal.