I named it git-line-changes-by-author and put into /usr/local/bin. Because it is saved in my path, I can issue the command git line-changes-by-author -before 2018-12-31 -after 2020-01-01 to get the report for the 2019 year. And if I were to misspell the name git will suggest the proper spelling. The following configuration steps have been tested with Git v2.24.0. To use Araxis Merge for file comparison and file merging: Ensure that the command-line utilities have been installed as described in the Installing the Merge command-line utilities section of the How to Install page. It logs information related to the Elasticsearch Integration including errors during indexing or searching Elasticsearch. Each line contains a JSON line that can be ingested by services like Elasticsearch and Splunk. Line breaks have been added to the following example line for clarity.

  1. Stat 18 0 – Git Integration With Finder Line Number
  2. Stat 18 0 – Git Integration With Finder Lines
  3. Stat 18 0 – Git Integration With Finder Line Segment
git initCreates an empty Git repository in the specified directory.
git clone Clones a repository located at onto your local machine.
git add Stages only the specified changes for the next commit. Replace with a to change a specific file.
git add .Stages new files and modifications without deletions
git add -AStages all changes
git add -allEquivalent to git add -A
git add -uStages modifications and deletions without adding new files
git add --updateEquivalent to git add -u
git commit -m ””Commits the staged snapshot. replace with the commit message.
git statusList which files are staged unstaged and untracked.
git logDisplays the entire commit history using the default format.
git diffShows unstaged changes between your index and working directory.
git pullFetchs the remote copy of the current branch.
git pull --rebase Fetchs the remote copy of current branch and rebases it into the local copy. Use git rebase instead of merge to integrate the branches.
git push origin masterPush all of your commits to master branch.
git push --allPush all of your local branches to the specified remote.
git push --tagsTags aren’t automatically pushed when you push a branch or use the --all flag. The --tags flag sends all of your local tags to the remote repo.
git push --forceForces the git push even if it results in a non-fast-forward merge. Do not use the --force flag unless you’re absolutely sure you know what you’re doing.
git revert Creates new commit that undoes all of the changes made in and then applys it to the current branch.
git reset Removes from the staging area but leaves the working directory unchanged - This unstages a file without overwriting any changes.
git clean -nShows which files would be removed from working directory. Use the -f flag in place of the -n flag to execute the clean.
git commit --amendReplaces the last commit with the staged changes and last commit combined. Use with nothing staged to edit the last commit’s message.
git rebase Rebase the current branch onto . can be a commit ID a branch name a tag or a relative reference to HEAD.
git reflogShow a log of changes to the local repository’s HEAD. Add --relative-date flag to show date info or --all to show all refs.
git branchLists all of the branches in your repo.
git branch Creates a new branch with the name .
git checkout -b Creates and check out a new branch named .
git checkout Checkout an existing branch.
git merge Merge into the current branch.
git remote add Creates a new connecti
git log --statInclude which files were altered and the relative number of lineson to a remote repo. After adding a remote you can use as a shortcut for in other commands.
git fetch Fetches a specific from the repo. Leave off to fetch all remote refs.
git pull Fetches the specified remote’s copy of current branch and immediately merge it into the local copy.
git push Pushes the branch to along with necessary commits and objects. Creates named branch in the remote repo if it doesn’t exist.
git config --global user.name Defines the author name to be used for all commits by the current user.
git config --global user.email Defines the author email to be used for all commits by the current user.
git config --global alias. Creates shortcut for a Git command. E.g. alias.p push will set git p equivalent to git push.
git config --system core.editor Set text editor used by commands for all users on the machine. arg should be the command that launches the desired editor (e.g; vi).
git config --global --editOpens the global configuration file in a text editor for manual editing.
git log -Limits the number of git rebase -i E.g. git log -5 will limit to 5 commits.
git log --onelineCondenses each commit to a single line.
git log -pDisplays the full diff of each commit.
git log --statInclude which files were altered and the relative number of lines that were added or deleted from each of them.
git log --author= ””Searchs for commits by a particular author.
git log --grep=””Searchs for commits with a commit message that matches .
git log ..Shows commits that occur between and . Args can be a any kind of revision reference.
git log -- Only display commits that have the specified file.
git log --graph --decorate--graph flag draws a text based graph of commits on left side of commit msgs. --decorate adds names of branches or tags of commits shown.
git diff HEADShows difference between working directory and last commit.
git diff --cachedShows difference between staged changes and last commit
git resetResets the staging area to match most recent commit but leaves the working directory unchanged.
git reset --hardResets the staging area and working directory to match most recent commit and overwrites all changes in the working directory.
git reset Moves the current branch tip backward to resets the staging area to match but leaves the working directory unchanged.
git reset --hard Same as previous but resets both the staging area & working directory to match. Deletes uncommitted changes and all commits after .
git rebase -i Interactively rebase current branch onto . Launches editor to enter commands for how each commit will be transferred to the new base.

Stat 18 0 – Git Integration With Finder Line Number

Original content from the csv file at: https://gist.github.com/BolajiAyodeji/d5393b90650c49ba9ef81493bfca9cda

Stat 18 0 – Git Integration With Finder Lines

To add your supply request file, do the following:

Stat 18 0 – Git Integration With Finder Line Segment

  1. From your BitbucketStationSupplies in Bitbucket, click Source to open the source directory. Notice you only have one file, supplies.txt, in your directory.

    • A. Source page: Click the link to open this page.

    • B. Branch selection: Pick the branch you want to view.

    • C. More options button: Click to open a menu with more options, such as 'Add file'.

    • D. Source file area: View the directory of files in Bitbucket.

  2. From the Source page, click the More options button in the top right corner and select Add file from the menu. The More options button only appears after you have added at least one file to the repository. A page for creating the new file opens, as shown in the following image.

    • A. Branch with new file: Change if you want to add file to a different branch.

    • B. New file area: Add content for your new file here.

  3. Enter supplyrequest in the filename field.

  4. Select HTML from the Syntax mode list.

  5. Add the following HTML code to the text area:

    We are requesting additional supplies. Please send us the following:

    • space ice cream

    • nerf darts

    • telescope light shield

  6. Click Commit. The Commit message field appears with the message: supplyrequest created online with Bitbucket.

  7. Click Commit under the message field.